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What Is ICSP?

The International Cultural Service Program (ICSP) at Portland State University (PSU) is a unique scholarship program for international students dedicated to promoting the recognition of commonalities and appreciation of differences through first-hand knowledge and experience.

The ICSP offers a wide variety of cultural service to the community with the goal of facilitating cross-cultural understanding. Our members are prepared to address many topics about their native cultures including history, art, cultural festivals, traditions, music, contemporary lifestyles and more. The students adapt their presentations to fit the needs and interests of their audiences. ICSP students take great pride in representing their countries through ICSP and are delighted to share their cultures rooted in their personal experiences.

ICSP students dedicate over 90 hours of cultural services each academic year and in turn receive a partial scholarship each term, helping them to achieve their academic and professional goals while also deepening their own cultural awareness and intercultural skills. 

We invite all community members, schools, and organizations seeking to promote cultural exposure and cross-cultural learning to partner with us.  

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