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Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions applicants and requesters usually have about the ICSP. Hopefully this will answer your own questions, but please don't hesitate to contact us if you need further help.


1) I already have an on campus job. Will my acceptance to ICSP affect my legal ability to work on campus?


No. The ICSP is a scholarship program with a service requirement. It is not a job, and therefore it does not impact your eligibility to work on campus. Many of our ICSP members also have jobs on campus and as international students, they are eligible to work up to 20 hours per week on campus during the terms and up to 40 hours during breaks from school in addition to their participation in ICSP.

If you receive an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) to work off campus you are not eligible for ICSP unless the EAD is through economic hardship. If you receive a TA or GA position or other fee remission award scholarship you are not eligible for the ICSP.


2) What is the schedule like for ICSP? How do I fulfill my 30 hours of required service?


All ICSP members meet biweekly for mandatory meetings during each term. These meetings take place on Friday afternoons from 4-5:30pm in KMC 605. We meet four times each term. ICSP members can claim service hours towards their total of 30 for participating in these meetings.

It is hard to predict the rest of the schedule for ICSP because we get requests at different hours of the day on each day of the week. When we get a request, we send it to the entire ICSP member list via email. When you see the email, you check your schedule and determine if you are available and interested in participating in that event. If so, you email the requestor and “CC” the ICSP coordinators to commit to your place at that event.

Requests may be for volunteers for cultural events or they may be for speakers. You should perform a mixture of both types of cultural service each term. You are responsible for responding to and participating in enough events to meet the required minimum of 30 hours each term, but you are able to do so in a way that meets your schedule.


3) What is "cultural service" and what kind of presentations do ICSP members do?


Performing cultural service is one of your obligations as an ICSP member. For the purposes of our program, we consider cultural service any volunteering or presentation that you do in cultural events or opportunities that lead to cultural sharing on and off the PSU campus. Culture sharing is rewarding and fun, and is a great way to improve your public speaking, leadership and organizational skills, besides giving you insight on your own culture.

Cultural service includes, but is not limited to:

* Speaking or giving demonstrations to schools or community groups about your home country’s history, cultural framework, societal, political and/or religious matters, etc.

* Assisting teachers in Oregon schools with their classes focusing on your home country or native language.

* Participating in international programs or events at PSU and other schools or community groups.

* Consulting with business, industry or governmental agencies about your home country.





Find us: 

615 SW Harrison Street Portland, OR 97201

Karl Miller Center (KMC) 660L

© 2023 by ICSP. Proudly created with

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