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PSU Classroom Resources


ICSP students visit PSU classrooms to contribute to lectures as cultural informants with personal perspectives and information about the governments, current events, and cultures being discussed. 


Especially interesting was how he addressed customary greetings. Specifically, between how one greets an elderly person, and how this behavior is very different compared to the U.S. My students found the meaning behind the customary greeting (e.g. touching the foot and receiving a light touch 'prosperous blessing' particularly meaningful. Thank you!


- Karen Chenier PhD, R-DMT, Adjunct Instructor, Psychology Dept. PSU

Ethnographic Interviews


Each term, ICSP members spend several hours meeting one-on-one with students in PSU's LING 471/571 "Understanding the International Experience" course. The students are able to use the information they learn from the ICSP students to complete course assignments. 

Portland Classroom Visits


ICSP students are frequent guests in local elementary and high schools, where they give presentations about their cultures to classrooms of young students learning about the world.  

I loved this program. Thank you for the opportunity for my kiddos to be exposed to a variety of cultures and perspectives spoken authentically by a person of that culture. The children are more engaged when they hear stories from a real person than a video clip or read in a book. 


- Kevin Bush, 5th Grade Teacher, Chapman Elementary School, May 2017

Volunteering and Consultation


​Local businesses and organizations are invited to request ICSP students to volunteer their cultural events or serve as cultural informants to give presentations on their cultures that help their employees and associates better understand and serve their diverse clients. 

Junqi was an amazing resource for me; always on time, very responsible, very approachable and friendly. I'm so glad I got the chance to interview her. Based on my experience with Jun, I would use the ICSP again in the future and would recommend it to others! 


- Hannah Abusneineh, PSU Student, November 2012


Culture Booths


ICSP members frequently host tables or booths at multicultural fairs at PSU and in the community. They bring artifacts such as toys, books, pictures, and clothing from their home countries to show with participants. 

The ICSP program was a lovely avenue to promote cultural exchanges in an authentic, inspiring way. Our students were enchanted by the cultural treasures they shared. Thank you ICSP for bringing your best to our school!


- Myrna Muñoz, Administrative Intern, Portland Public Schools, May 2017

Yu was great in sharing her own experiences and perspectives on studying abroad. It was so invaluable to have a current international student talking about how one may come to decide to study abroad, because it wasn't long ago that they were in the same shoe as the visitors. 


- Naoko Horikawa, Portland-Sapporo Sister City Association, March 2017

Panel Presentations 


Oftentimes ICSP students present as panelists for audiences looking to get a comparison of a topic across cultures such as dating and romantic relationships, education systems, and the day-to-day experience of women in their cultures. 

The members did a good job of sharing stories that were funny, easy to remember, and accurately explained what they felt and why. This was a good set of panelists. 


- Anam Pasha, Organization of International Students, November 2012

Find us: 

615 SW Harrison Street Portland, OR 97201

Karl Miller Center (KMC) 660L

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