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Support ICSP and International Students at PSU

International students at PSU pay out-of-state tuition and fees, which is close to triple the cost of in-state tuition and fees. For many students, their family's entire savings go towards funding their student's education. In addition, many international students face losing exchange rates and sanctions in place by governments. For them, ICSP may be the only way they can afford to fund their dream of an education and a future. 


ICSP provides international students with funding (approximately half of the tuition) to help them complete their degree program. It also equips them with leadership skills, cross-cultural skills, public speaking skills, and a valuable support base while they study at PSU. 


Your financial support will not only help fund these outstanding students but will also contribute to the larger cause of ICSP - growing cross-cultural understanding in our community. In this sense, your gift has a local and a global impact. 


You can also support PSU international students undergoing crisis or emergency through Paula Harris International Student Aid Fund.


Gifts to PSU's ICSP are tax deductible to the furthest extent of the law, and there may be opportunities for your employer to match your gift as well. You can learn more about donating online or via mail at the link below. 


Thank you for considering supporting international students at PSU!

Find us: 

615 SW Harrison Street Portland, OR 97201

Karl Miller Center (KMC) 660L

© 2023 by ICSP. Proudly created with

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