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Fara Mendy


Hometown: Ziguinchor, Senegal


Major: Public Relations/Communication Studies


Languages: Wolof, Manjack, Manding, Diola, French, English


Hobbies: Basketball, Bike riding, Guitar, Video editing, Acting, Hiking


Biography: My name is Fara Mendy and I am from a tiny country located in the west side of Africa called Senegal. I have been in the US from about 5 years now. I started at Portland Community College where I received my associate of science and now, I am here at Portland State University to finish my bachelor’s degree in Public Relations. I am an industrious future public relation specialist willing to work hard and take on any role to learn and develop acquired skills while making positive contribution to program needs. My top strengths include problem solving, decision making and conflict resolution. I love working with people from different background, culture etc.


I grew up in a poor country where many young people like me did not have a chance to go to school in order to get a good education. Both my parents have never attended school but growing up, they made sure me, and my siblings had a place to live but more importantly an access to good education for all of us. When I graduated in high school in 2012, I attended the biggest university in my country for 3 years before I moved to the States. I was an English major back then and my goal was to become an English professor after college.  Being able to come to the States to further my education was an opportunity that many people wish they could have, so I have never taken it for granted. I love learning and I want to get a doctorate someday.


Being part of the International Cultural Service Program will not only allow me to expend my knowledge about other cultures, but also for me to share my culture with others as well. My county has a lot of ties to the history of slavery and I want to be able to share that hidden history that many people might not be aware or even hear of before.

Find us: 

615 SW Harrison Street Portland, OR 97201

Karl Miller Center (KMC) 660L

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