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Osman Sarper Küçük


Country: Turkey


Major: Mechanical Engineering


Education Level: Undergraduate


Languages: Turkish, English


Hobbies: Basketball, Swimming


Biography: Osman Sarper Küçük is from Ankara, Turkey. Osman has a great family that helped him get into some of the best elementary, middle and high schools in Turkey. Academically, he was always a good student and got top grades in English. Sports were always part his life, he started swimming in the first year of his elementary school and continued to swim until he got to fourth grade. He played basketball from fourth grade until the 11th grade in high school, He placed 3rd in his province and has seen Turkish championships during late middle school.

When he was a junior in high school he learned about a program that sent Turkish students abroad as exchange students. He passed English and other examinations and chose the U.S. as his destination. He spent a great senior year in the U.S. as an exchange student in Olympia, Washington with American host-parents.

He visited Portland and was very impressed by the city that same year, he then decided to continue his college education in the U.S. He was accepted into the ICSP program in Winter 2013. Currently he is a junior and pursuing his Mechanical Engineering Degree at the College of Engineering and Computer Science, PSU.


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